
Yellow Ribbon Industries Pte Ltd (“YRI”) has in place a whistle-blowing policy (“Policy”) and procedures to encourage employees and external parties to raise genuine concerns on improprieties in good faith, related to any aspect of our operations without fear of reprisal or discrimination.  Reportable improprieties include the following:

  1. Fraudulent activities/transactions;
  2. Failure to disclose any conflicts of interest;
  3. Embezzlement, misappropriation, theft or criminal misuse of YRI’s monies and resources;
  4. Corruption, bribery, cheating;
  5. Aiding and abetting illegal activities, or breaches of any laws and regulations;
  6. Any Obstructive Action; and
  7. Deliberate concealment of information or evidence showing any of the above.

All concerns or cases reported to YRI will be independently investigated and treated sensitively and confidentially.  YRI will acknowledge receipt of the case if contact details are available.

While this Policy is meant to protect the whistle-blower from any unfair treatment as a result of his/her report, it strictly prohibits frivolous and untrue complaints and whistle-blowers should only report their concerns in good faith. This Policy is not a route for raising personal grievances. To encourage transparency and accountability, and to prevent malicious reporting, the whistle-blower must identify himself/herself and provide his/her contact particulars in the report. YRI is committed to protect whistle-blowers (including their identities) under this Policy. Depending on the nature of the matter, YRI reserves the right to refer the matter to the appropriate external authorities.

Please report any concern and information supporting the concern via email to whistleblow@yri.com.sg or by post to our office as follows:

Private & Confidential
Attention of Chairman ARMC, Yellow Ribbon Industries Pte Ltd,
27 Loyang Way, Singapore 508728